Thursday, September 22, 2022
Article from Addhiya Foundation, Inc.
Islamic (Shar‘ia) knowledge and Medicine are the noblest branches of knowledge. Imam Ibn Abi Haatim ar-Raazi narrated that ar-Rabee‘ ibn Sulaymaan said: I heard ash-Shaafa‘i say: Knowledge is of two types: religious knowledge and worldly knowledge. Religious knowledge is fiqh (and learning about Islamic teachings) and worldly knowledge is medicine.
Adh-Dhahabi quoted Imam Ash-Shafa’i saying: I do not know of any branch of knowledge, after knowledge of what is halaal and haraam, that is nobler than medicine.
And it was narrated from him that he said: Never live in a city where there is no scholar who could answer your questions about religious matters and no doctor who could advise you about your physical well-being.
Are you busy with your hospital rounds, clinics and duties? Do you find it hard to spare some time in seeking Islamic Knowledge? Worry no more! The Addhiya Foundation Inc. (an accredited institution of Islamic University of Madinah) in partnership with Unified Muslim Medical Association (UMMA), Islamic Medical Association of the Philippines (IMAN), and Muslim Doctors (MD) is here to help you! We offer flexible schedule of online classes in Arabic Language, Islamic Studies, and THE FIRST DIPLOMA COURSE in ISLAMIC MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE in the Philippines!
These courses aim to equip Muslim Physicians with the adequate and authentic Islamic Knowledge they need in the Practice of Medicine and in their lives as Muslims. Don’t think twice! Invest in your Akhirah! Enroll now!
For more information please visit this facebook page:
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Article from Addhiya Foundation, Inc. Islamic (Shar‘ia) knowledge and Medicine are the noblest branches of knowledge. Imam Ibn Abi Haatim ...