APRIL 26, 2009
Alvior Hall, UP Manila
IMAN will be organizing its
Summer Acquaintance Party and Organizational Meeting
to acknowledge new minds, pioneers, and encourage the
many medical students to strengthen goals for
both Muslim and non-Muslim communities from North to
We invite you to become part of this most-awaited
-Get to expand your network among Muslim MDs locally
and abroad
-Learn updates through Continuing Medical Education
-Be part of an organization which aims to foster
Islamic brotherhood; assist Muslim communities; and
partake in International medical societies

(Dr Abdel Jeffri Abdulla with Florida-based Nephrologist Dr Samerah Razuman
during the August 2008 Meeting at Robinson's Manila)
All MDs, Medical Students, Interns/Graduates are Invited!
Payment of Membership Fees (P1000 for Regular Members -Licensed MDs;
P500 for Associate Members- Med students/PGI/Graduates) may
be given to Dr Al-Radjid Jamiri on the event proper.
January 28, 2009
Dr Khasmin Ismael:
recently got approved as Medecins Sans Frontiers or Doctors without
Borders volunteer for Cotabato war-torn areas
which will last for 6 months starting February 2009
while on leave from her Residency Training in
Family Medicine at Fatima Hospital.
Also Heads the NGO Al-Nisa (Women of Islam Organization)
in the country.
You may email her at
if you wish to send your salam or inquire on
how to apply as
volunteer too!
IMAN Vice President
Dr Sherjan Kalim:
Completed his Residency Training
in Pathology at UP-PGH;Passed the Diplomate Exams this January and
is Currently Head of the Blood Bank section
of the Cotabato Regional Hospital
Dr. Sweet Almira Ali-Amil
as new Diplomate in OB-Gynecology (POGS) in the recent
2009 Examinations. Dr Sweet Amil is Cotabato City-based
and is currently helping out in the establishment
of the Bangsamoro Medical Society together with
husband Pediatrician Dr Mohammad Ali Amil.
Dr Alzacar Jadjuli:
Completed the Ophthalmology Residency
training in Jose Reyes Memorial Med Center this
December 2008;
to establish practice in Zamboanga
Dr. Mohammad Abedin
An IMAN Regular Member,
Passed the Diplomate Exam in Internal Medicine
this 2009; Residency Training in
Internal Medicine completed at Makati Medical Center

UP Manila, October 26, 2008 IMAN Meeting L-R: (Standing)-Dr, Abdel Jeffri Abdulla, Dr Sherjan Kalim, Dr Angelie Dugasan, Dr Norbaida Dipantar, Dr Zhamir Umag; (Sitting) Dr Mahar Bogabong, Dr Guiaria Camarudin, Dr Nadhira Mangatong, Dr Naheeda Dimacisil, Dr Khasmin Ismael, Dr Bainary Macaurog
Not in Photo: Dr Al-Radjid Jamiri, Dr Muhammad Abedin, Dr Dreiza Hakim
As of September 29, 2008 IMAN-Islamic Medical Association of the Philippines, Inc. was finally declared a legal entity to conduct membership expansion and work as
a national organization of Muslim Filipino Physicians in the Philippines.
As the membership grows, the IMAN will soon affiliate with international
organizations and establish a community for Muslim physicians to gain advancement
in career development, health education drive for their constituents, and possibly
establish a medical center in Manila. July 2008
Just recently, Dr. Khasmin Ismael decided to create an account for IMAN at Friendster to make easier connections with Filipino Muslim MDs and aspiring ones. Here, medical students may also get in touch with other fellow Muslim MDs from various institutions in the Philippines such as UP, MSU, Fatima University, Univ. of Perpetual Help, UST, FEU and many other major medical institutions in the country.
Specialist MDs such as Dr. Maaliddin Biruar, a Nephrologist who practices in St' Luke's and at the National Kidney Institute has joined the IMAN Friendster account too.
Get in touch with your fellow MDs and share views and tips for Medical Board Exams.
You may request membership through this email -
IMAN is also planning to distribute Prayer fliers for examinees in the upcoming boards this August with the hope to share the many wonders and miracles of Islamic prayers. nmd
March 19, 2008
The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) arrived in Manila this month
for plans of putting up a Medical and Nursing school in the country.
Together with the UP Institute of Islamic Studies (UP-IIS) and its Alumni Association, IMAN-Islamic Medical Association of the Philippines (IMAN), and UP Manila Association of Muslim Students, a forum with the theme "Medical Practices: An Islamic Perspective", was held at Bulwagang Salaam on March 2, 2008.
Dr. Abdurahman Mohd. Al Quraishi, Director of WAMY Medical Committee,
who admires much the service of many Filipino nurses, expressed their plans of establishing a Nursing school in General Santos City where Sheikh Salih Musa, WAMY-Philippines Country Director, will be heading. He introduced their Medicine-oriented Curriculum in Nursing in one of the prestigious institutions in Saudi Arabia, making most of their graduates successfully pass the US Licensure Examination without having to retake several times compared with other students abroad.
WAMY's Medical Committee Assistant Director Dr. Jamal Al-Hamed presented the current scenario on the continuing need to import nurses, especially from our country, and the need to train nationals as well. On the other hand, IMAN Vice-President Dr. Sherjan P. Kalim, presented the current exodus in the Philippines of physicians becoming nurses. He also mentioned in frustration that the growing number of non-accredited institutions since the high demand for nurses abroad started appear to be business-oriented rather than academic, resulting in a lower board passing rate.
Dr. Abdel Jeffri A. Abdulla, IMAN President, served as Panel Reactor and extended great appreciation of WAMY's contribution and efforts but at the same time emphasized the need to find ways to convince our fellow Filipino medical practitioners to stay in the country.
On the other hand, Prof. Mashur Bin Ghalib Jundam, Dean of the UP Institute of Islamic Studies, presented a creative interpretation of the forum's theme through
acronyms of faith and Islamic virtues.
Others present were Dr. Muhammad Matli, College Secretary of UP-IIS; UP-IIS Alumni Association President Mr. Abdulhadi Daguit; Professor Macrina A. Morados; Master of ceremonies and Moderator UP AMS President Zhamir Umag; and various support groups including the Young Moro Professionals Network, Inc. -NMDimacisil, MD
March 2008
Acting President Dr. Abdel Jeffri A. Abdulla, Professor in Surgery and a UP-PGH Scholar, presides over monthly meetings of the newly established IMAN-Islamic Medical Association of the Philippines, Inc.
Dr. Al-Radjid Jamiri, Surgery Resident, has been appointed as Treasurer; Dr. Sherjan P. Kalim, Resident in Pathology also at UP-PGH has been voted as Vice President while Dr. Naheeda M. Dimacisil, an Internal Medicine Resident became IMAN's Acting Secretary.
Dr Khasmin M. Ismael, a graduate of OLFU and an OB Resident at present, was among the five incorporators of the association while PGI Guiaria S. Camarudin,UP Manila 3rd year medical students Angelie P. Dugasan and Zhamir Umag served as witnesses in the recently signed Articles of Incorporation last February 3, 2008 at UP Manila.
The Constitution and By-Laws formulation has become a tedious task for the incorporators including other core members, Dr. Alzacar Jadjuli and Dr. Sweet Almira Ali. Thus, Atty. Rasol Mitmug, Jr. and law students like Former UP USC Chair Rommel Romato and AMAL Bar Ops 2007 Chair Abdulhamid Alawi, Jr. have volunteered to assist IMAN in its registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Many Filipino Muslim Physicians and medical students will finally receive formal invitations to become Regular or Associate members, respectively, once the finalization of the CBL has been accomplished. -NMDimacisil,MD